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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World vs. Neo-Platonic Romance

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World vs. Neo-Platonic Romance

When I first saw Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, I absolutely adored it. I hadn’t actually dated any human being at this point, like any self-respecting antisocial misanthropic middle/high school mankin, but I fell in and fell in hard with the ethos and romantic message of the film, especially the anti-hero characterization of the titular Scott Pilgrim. Years later, and in the context of the graphic novels and culture as a whole, the film does not appear in such a rosy light.

Movies, Innocence, and Identity

Movies, Innocence, and Identity

There’s this cute little moment in The Office. It’s pretty simple; Michael has just moved back into his office as manager and Erin lists all the random comfort items he has—a humidifier, a dehumidifier, a foot fan (?), most importantly, a Casio keyboard. Erin turns on the keyboard and a dinky little tune comes out. Before they start wiggling to the music, Michael says, “It’s good to be home.” It’s silly; it’s small. It’s also one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen.

And I can't stop thinking about it.